Goals 2017 — Personal Lifestyle, Business Selling Goals!

Here we are going into week 4 of the New Year 2017!

First week I was astonished and interested to see the parking lots full at every exercise / workout facility I passed. Now already the parking lots are beginning to not fill. I really hope that the people starting new exercise programs are falling into different time periods and/or finding a cadence that will work and keep them on track.

How many of us have goals, written down and are executing?

I have talked with people starting strong. I have talked with people already running hard toward their written goals. I have talked with people already slowing down on goals. Sadly, I have talked with people making excuses and stopping. Saddest of all, I have talked with people who never even started goals for this year. Soon we will be completing month 1, that’s 1/12th of the time alloted for the year.

I believe no matter where you are in the process, now is the time to start, run hard and never stop!


Excuses are abundant. Success will not listen to excuses — Success will ignore them and end-of-year will come again. What will you accomplish?

If you have started keep going — Never Stop!

It’s not too late to begin now — Just start and never Stop!

Make this year 2017 your best year yet!