Daily behaviors completed and measured get results.
I utilize and require sales people working with me to use a tracking system consisting of 7,500 points per year. I know that if a sales person does the behaviors consistent with Prospecting, Telephone, Email, and Face-to-Face customer contact at a rate of about 33 points on average for 230 working days per year, can bring in $3,000,000+ in sales bookings for the company. It is a proven process. It works.
Many sales people won't do daily behaviors. Doing and tracking is hard.
A lot of sales people get little or no training in selling behaviors. I’ve met, hired and fired sales people who are afraid of the accountability a system creates.
Couple a good behavioral system with consistent on-going training and sales happen.
The system can actually be set up for the entire year. Think about that. Set up your sales schedule for the next twelve months, do the daily behaviors and watch your income go to where you want it to go and no excuses.
Contact me for more point system information. I'll also direct you to some good sales training to go with it.
Make 2019 your best year yet!