I have met, listened to and read business and life philosopher Jim Rohn’s advice for many years. Jim Rohn spoke about and recommended a book: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason.
“The secret to personal financial success is believing and practicing the axiom: Part of all you earn is yours to keep. Learn to live on less than you make and save the balance for yourself.” (George Clason, 1952).
Jim Rohn mentioned: “I’ve recommended this book to over 4 million people over the past 40 years with the promise that can help you create financial independence, and probably less than 10 percent have gone out to buy it. Don’t let that be you! Go out and find, buy and read this book!”
At one point in my career I committed to giving the book out. However, after a while I would ask people if they read it – Generally the answer was no. So, I keep talking about it and like Jim Rohn I urge people to get it.
The book is an easy fast read, packed with ideas for financial success.
Make 2019 your best year yet! Get the book The Richest Man in Babylon