Today we are all faced with Covid, Social distancing, and now in the Dallas, Fort Worth area – Weather. We as many parts of the country are experiencing record cold and snow. Another reason to stay in, stay safe and stay warm.
I read about things Happy People DON’T do and thought this would be a good time to share the following (Unfortunately, I can’t find the original author):
- Happy people take responsibility and don’t blame others for their problems.
- Happy people stay away from using negative language.
- Happy people don’t overreact to the present moment when something bad happens,
- Happy people don’t feel trapped by current circumstances.
- Happy people diversify. They don’t focus on a single passion or relationship.
- Happy people don’t dwell on past failures.
- Happy people don’t spend more time than necessary around unhappy people.
- Happy people don’t procrastinate.
I hope this gives some food for thought. Have a great day, stay safe, stay warm, and be HAPPY!