As a salesperson –
When is the best time to stay in contact?
When is the best time to follow-up with a customer?
When is the best time to follow-up on a recent quote?
A lot of people are trying to figure out how to work from home. Many are trying to reconfigure the daily routine and keep workflow moving forward. Many people are not sure what is next.
“However, as Jim Rohn, a great business philosopher, would say, “What’s simple to do is also simple not to do.” The magic is not in the complexity of the task; the magic is in the doing of simple things repeatedly and long enough to ignite the miracle of the Compound Effect.”
We need not sit around and make the world more complex. I am staying in contact with current customers and reaching out to prospective customers.
Here is what I am doing:
Write a one-page short info-letter that I send to customers and my potential customer list regularly.
The Info-Letter is not a big sales pitch, it includes:
- A short note about how our company is doing with this pandemic.
- How we are figuring out how to keep moving forward.
- Provide a “Quotation, Inspirational saying or motivational quip”.
- Provide a short summary of our capabilities,
- Thank them and ask that our company is kept in mind. Tell them we are here and plan to be here after some form of normalcy comes back.
I have received many complimentary responses; “Thanks”, “Good to hear from you”, stories of how they are surviving, and best of all – New quote requests and purchase orders.
Put this to work in your daily sales routine and you will see great results.
Good sales and selling!