5 Things to keep your goals moving for 2015!

1. Make sure you have goals written down and easy to find.
2. Look at your goals daily.
3. Make time to work on goals daily, even if you only spend a few minutes.
4. If a goal seems to hard revise it. Look at smaller parts of the goal to work on.
5. Never give up — Make 2015 the best year yet!

Remember “the secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking you complex, overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” – Mark Twain, Celebrated American author and Humorist

Look at our book page — Give us your comments!

95% of New Year Resolutions/Goals/”Gonna-Do’s” are broken!

Let’s talk about this — Are you in the 99% broken New Year Resolutions/Goals/”Gonna-Do’s” that are broken?

Is it easier to quit and ignore our goals? Or would it be better for us to have a coach/mentor/friend/relative who keeps us going?

We don’t need badgering we need encouragement!

Give us your comments. We are ready to assist.

Have a really great 2015!

It’s easy not to do the easy things!

A famous business guru Jim Rohn said “It’s easy not to do the easy things!”

You have written your goals and plans for 2015. Some goals and plans are easy some are harder. Do you have a measurement system to follow your progress? Half way through January are you measuring?

Would it be easier not to read this Blog and not keep moving forward on your goals and plans for the year? Or do you want to hear us tell you to keep moving?

Send your comments to us! What do you think about measurement and making this a memorable year 2015!

Comment below!

Have a great year 2015!

Measure Progress — 2015 is here!

So we have set goals for the year 2015.  If we don’t measure them we won’t know if we are meeting or exceeding goals.

(As an example:  A goal to read 10 pages per day will allow reading of in excess of 1 book per month depending on book size.  The goal of 10 pages per day is a great start to meeting the goal.  So today we should be at 70 pages read or greater.)

Do you have a goal that is measurable?  Can you show progress Daily, Weekly and Monthly?  Why not get ahead just in case you have a bad day and miss your reading time.

Let us know your measurement.  Are you on goal or behind — give us your comments.

Hope you have a great 2015 year!





48 Hours – Friday 1/2/2015 Thru Sunday 1/4/2015

Some are lucky enough to have Friday thru Sunday off for Holiday.  Continue celebrating the New Year 2015.

That means 48 free hours if you sleep 8 hours per night.  Try and find some time to block out and complete your goals for 2015.  Be especially concerned about how you will measure success.

Get ready for 2015 — It can be your best year yet!

(In comments below, ask for our free goal setting work sheet.)