Have you ever thought about how easy or difficult it is to do business with your company?
I look at other businesses and items of interest, especially on the internet. Many times I turn away and do not get any information about the company or its products. If before I see the product or service I have to give my contact information or worse, a credit card to see something free — I leave!
Having said that — I started looking at doing business with my company. Is it easy or difficult? My conclusion was that it was difficult. We didn’t really make things easy.
So now I am on a quest of making this business easy to get information and do business with us. Not an easy quick task. However, I am continually reviewing our practices and asking — “What makes doing business with us easier?”
Is it easy or difficult to do business with your company? Good luck — !
I am going to make doing business with us easier.
Make 2019 your best year yet!