1. Pray
2. Remind yourself it is temporary and tomorrow is a new day.
3. Find someone to help. You will forget about your own problems.
4. Look at your challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow.
5. Believe that the best is yet to come.
1. Pray
2. Remind yourself it is temporary and tomorrow is a new day.
3. Find someone to help. You will forget about your own problems.
4. Look at your challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow.
5. Believe that the best is yet to come.
Some people have stopped working on their goals for the year 2021.
Hopefully, you have made it easy to see your goals and review them for progress frequently.
Here are 5 tips to keep your goals moving for 2021:
For more information join here
Remember what our founding fathers did for our freedom!
We live in the greatest country on earth.
God Bless America!
If you do not have a sales process, how do you measure your daily progress toward your goals?
I have used a process a cookbook for many, many years. I first started in business to business selling in the early 1980’s. I was confounded by the lack of information available on selling that would ensure follow through and success.
I learned early on that if I did not track daily behavior I was not going to have daily direction and not really know what to do next, to achieve my goals. I set up a handwritten notebook system of all potential and actual customers. I tracked who I called daily and set up a follow-up date depending on the wishes of the customer. Some people wanted weekly contact, some wanted monthly and some wanted longer periods. There were even some who were not interested nor in need of my products — They told me to never contact them again.
For my career and the careers of sales people who have worked with and for me I developed a daily behavior system and attached a simple point system for tracking success.
All salespeople can modify the system for their own sales style. However, many good salespeople have adopted this system and figured out exactly how to do daily behaviors and make exactly the income they desire.
The system for selling products usually with order size of $1,000 – $75,000 consisted of seeing face-to-face (Belly selling) 200 prospects per year. Making 2,400 meaningful telephone contacts and making 1,200 other contacts – Email, Txt, Fax, Brochure, Etc. If Sales people did these behaviors daily and accumulated 6,000 points per year they were virtually assured of selling $3,000,000 worth of product for the company and ensuring an exact income base + Commission.
Of course, this is overly simplified but, the salespeople wanting to earn more could calculate their points needed per day, per month and ensure a better income for the year.
What is your system? I am writing this system to an eBook and planning a forum or group to meet weekly for accountability and discussion.
Are you interested? Let me know if you want on the wait list.
Wishing all Dads and non-Dads a great day! Having a good holiday FATHER’S DAY is uplifting.
Condolences to those who have lost their father too early in life. My dad passed way to early, September 1981. He was a World War 2 veteran.
We all need keep the absent fathers in our thoughts and prayers.
I am getting a day of golf with my sons-in-law and a close friend who is like a son.
The DFW area is having an early summer heat wave, looking forward to a great dinner later this afternoon.
Happy Father’s Day!
I was asked an interesting question this past week:
“How has your life turned out differently than you imagined it would?”
After thinking about this for several days, I must say that life has gone well and fairly fast for me to be at or near retirement age, but I have been blessed. I have had good work, a good family, and good friends. I feel pleased about the way my life has turned out.
A friend and mentor once told me he had designed his life around incremental change. He worked extremely hard at his chosen field for 10 – 15 years, then switched direction, worked very hard on another field for 10 – 15 years, and then did it again. I can attest to his making this happen and his success.
My life has turned out differently than I had imagined, but looking back, I see similarities to my friend and mentor in my life. I have switched career paths a couple of times and have the ups and downs of living. Each time I come out and look back, things were good and better. Now I am in the next phase of life, looking to make it good!
Ask yourself:
“How has your life turned out differently than you imagined it would?”
This exercise has helped me be more thankful – How about you?
This theme keeps popping up again and again! Take time to let it sink in. A lot of success especially in selling is daily consistent behaviors. However, I see all too often the one-call attempt and done. I am writing a simple but powerful paper on daily sales consistency, it is a point system I have used for years. Let me know if interested.
Always remember!