Why is this here? – WITH!

If working on continuous improvement in your work life and/or home life, review the following concept, and try to apply it daily.

I don’t have the name of the originator of this acronym. However. I use it at work and at home.

Why Is This Here? – WITH.

Part of the process of applying Lean Manufacturing uses the 5s+1 methodology for reviewing the workplace (1. Sort 2. Straighten 3. Sweep/Shine 4. Standardize 5. Sustain and +1 = Safety). This is not as easy as it sounds. Touring a manufacturing facility, office environment or even your own home often shows items not in place, and in many cases not even where they should be. 

To get a feel for the process, start with your current area and surroundings. In my home office I see piles of “Gonna-Do” projects forming. Seems like they start and stall. Look at just one item/project for a few minutes. Review what is in the pile, folder or box and throw away the truly non-essential items. Decide if it is really a goal contributing project, a nice to have project, or maybe a wishful non-critical project. Why Is This Here? – WITH. You will be amazed just sitting at your own desk, home or office and look at what is out and waiting or not needed. 

I realize this thinking is not for everyone, but you will find out of place clutter in the oddest places.

Walking around with this attitude and thought process helps keep momentum going, especially if you are trying to 5s + 1 a manufacturing facility, or your own home.  Start, doing and sustaining the 5s + 1 attitude: 

1. Sort 2. Straighten 3. Sweep/Shine 4. Standardize 5. Sustain and +1 = Safety. 

Remember to ask:  Why Is This Here? – WITH.

Good Luck on your Lean Journey — Once started you will find applications everywhere.

Sales, Selling — Follow-up?

Ask a sales person –

“When is the best time to follow-up with XYZ customer?”

“When is the best time to follow-up on a recent quote?

“When is the best time to follow-up on “Blah, Blah, Blah?”

All too often we hear, It’s too early, or I am not sure now is the right time, or I don’t want to bug the Buyer/Customer/Etc.

Have you ever taken the time to think about “Follow-Up” in selling?

Some sales people follow-up too often and disturb/disrupt the potential customer.  It is estimated that you need 7 contacts with potential clients/customers before a transaction happens.

I am self-taught in selling and when I found a really good system I latched on to it.  I have been using the Sandler Selling system for over fifteen years. (I would be happy to provide my contacts to anyone interested.)

A great technique that I learned and use is the Sandler Technique of using an Up-Front Contract with potential customers.

Simply ask the prospect/Client for the next time contact would be appropriate.  Set an exact date and time if possible or get at least a time frame for contact — Then do what was agreed upon!

Too many times I have had sales people working for me or trying to sell to me;  Stop — after the very first call.

Never get caught in this trap —  It’s too soon to call — Now it’s too late the order was let to someone else.

10,000 hours – to master a particular field? Yes! or No!

After 35+ years in business operations and sales and I feel qualified. Not sure I would walk around proclaiming mastery of business or sales. Over the many years I feel very confident I am pretty good at business operations and sales.

As a continuous learner I have read about and have several questions about the concept of “10,000 hours to mastery of a field”.

In addition to business and sales, I have been learning and practicing a musical instrument, the banjo, for many years. I have tracked my hours of learning, and I have just over 2,200 hours logged.

This year I have also started re-learning guitar from my high school days. I have never been a good player of either instrument and certainly wouldn’t play in front of anyone.

Two years ago I stepped out and went to a coaching class with other people like me. My progress has really accelerated and I now play for others and even have put some you tube videos out.

I am thinking about and exploring the 10,000 hour theory. I have to admit that in business, sales and even a musical instrument, practice quality not just total hours seems to have a very large impact on moving ahead. — So, what constitutes mastery.

I can’t believe I will have mastery at the 10,000 hour time frame, just because I put in the hours. There must be a measurement of quality of learning.

As a continuous learner, I see many new books, theories and concepts coming out daily, especially on the internet. Is mastery an accomplished goal or an on-going process of self-improvement.

I’d like to think, pursue and write on this further.

Feedback and comment welcome!