Stay safe, Stay calm, Stay positive!

Hope you’re doing well and staying away from others (as much as possible) during this CoronaVirus outbreak. I try to watch just enough news to stay informed. 

In my last article I wrote about my wife and I in Cancun, Mexico during 9/11, stuck there for several days, no airplanes.  We watched news 24/7, later we decided it provided more anxiety than we really needed.  Life did come back to something called normal.

Today I believe we all need some positivity quotes:

“The only place where your dreams become impossible is in your own thinking,”– Robert H Schuller

“Cultivate an optimistic mind, use your imagination, always consider alternatives, and dare to believe that you can make possible what others think is impossible.”– Rodolfo Costa

“Beliefs that are good promote your potential and enhance your unique special qualities.”– Deborah Day

“When you are joyful, when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become a sun in the center of every constellation, and people want to be near you.”– Shannon L. Alder

“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”– Germany Kent

“Happiness is a quality of the soul…not a function of one’s material circumstances.”– Aristotle

 “It’s most important that you surround yourself with positivity always, and have it in your mind at all times.”– Tyler Perry

I hope one or more of these quotes help your day!

Stay safe!  Stay calm!  Things will get better!

Tough times! Interesting times!

I posted the following quote earlier today and have been thinking about how to expand on it.

“Tough times never last, but tough people do. ” – Sr. Robert Schuller

We like many people are cocooned in for the duration and end of the coronavirus.  Now is the time to reflect on the good in this world, stay calm and stay safe!  This is easy to say.  However, I have been around for a while.  I’ve seen and experienced many changes in the world.  Admittedly nothing like this, but things always come around.

My wife and I were out of country in Cancun Mexico when 9/11 happened.  Paradise – Right?  Wrong – we were stuck there several days, no planes flying, and we watched the developing news 24/7.  All of our time was consumed watching the events unfold.

From a personal and especially business perspective now is a critical time to stay in touch with your network.  Make sure all your contacts know you are around.  Make sure they know that when this situation stops, you will be ready to get on board and help restart and meet customer goals for the year.

I always have future projects that I intend to organize and update — someday.  (Contacting more new customers, staying in contact with current customers, and staying in touch with family and my extended family of friends, etc., etc.)

Take some time off now from the NEWS.  Prioritize some projects personal and business.  Get working and keep moving forward — you will see rewarding results.

Good Luck!  Stay Safe!

Book – The Richest Man in Babylon – by George S. Clason

The Richest Man in Babylon – George S. Clason

I have talked about this book for many years.  I have read it several times and I keep it close on my bookshelf for continuous reference.

The book was originally written in 1926, by George S. Clason.   – Timeless advice.

Easy read, written in parables.  The fictional Babylonian character Arkad gets advice and becomes the “richest man in Babylon”.

In his advice are the seven rules of money and wealth:

  1. Start fattening the purse – Save.
  2. Control expenditures.
  3. Make money multiply.
  4. Guard your money from loss.
  5. Make your home a profitable investment.
  6. Insure a future income.
  7. Constantly increase your ability to earn.

Get the book, it’s a great read with really good advice!

Put this to work and build a lifestyle to last forever.

Easy to do! Easy not to do!

Habits/Goals/ Behaviors seem hard to start and in too many cases hard to stop.


The following quote is from Jim Rohn (American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker) –

“We’ve all heard the expression, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away.’  Well, I’ve got a good question for you:  What if it’s true?  Wouldn’t that be easy to do—to eat an apple a day?  Here’s the problem:  It’s also easy not to do.”


I have a belief, that we all can start a new habit/goal/behavior, and we can all set the process as easy as possible for achievement.  However, as Jim Rohn pointed out eating an apple a day is easy to do, easy to measure and easy to accomplish, but it’s also easy not to do. 

Over the past years, I have posted thoughts about setting goals.  I try to help set a foundation for others to get in the goal setting habit.  Easy to do! Easy not to do!  Less than 5% of people actually set and write goals down. 

As a longtime member of Toastmasters, I remember a speech given about goals.  I can’t recall the speaker’s name, but it did stick with me. 

The speaker said, start your habit/goal/behavior journey small.  Pick one item to accomplish over a period of time — make it a 12 month period.  Track your progress daily.  If you miss a day or two don’t worry just keep going.  I thought this was pretty simple basic — but, why not give it a try and get going.

At the time, I wanted to increase my daily reading habit.  I thought reading 10 pages per day was doable — hoping to read about 10 books that year.  It worked!  Today I have a sustained reading goal of 15 pages per day, I’ve read a lot of books over the years.  


“But as Jim Rohn would say, “What’s simple to do is also simple not to do.” The magic is not in the complexity of the task; the magic is in the doing of simple things repeatedly and long enough to ignite the miracle of the Compound Effect.”


Begin now and have great satisfaction of accomplishment for 2020!