Third quarter — Are you making your sales or ready to make excuses?


Third quarter makes or breaks sales success. You as a sales person need to have the pipeline going with plenty of upcoming opportunities working. Many sales people have lead times of 9 to 15 weeks. If you aren’t booking orders this quarter you won’t be able to fill the last quarter of the year — Then out come the excuses.

Obviously if you haven’t completed booking all orders for the year by end of this quarter or early into next quarter sales for the year can’t happen.  Management questions of performance will begin.  What is happening?  Where are the sales?

The problem with sales that bothers me most follows:

I’ve read that more than 1/2 sales people do not have the right skills to be successful. Not because of lack of talent, but the inability of organizations to provide specific tools and training for sales success. Many companies do not have a defined sales process. Many companies don’t have a process to share best practices.  Sales managers don’t coach sales people. There is often no tracking system. 

With this being true, sales people have no choice but to become excuse making machines. 

Having defined processes based on success are imperative. Over the years from personal experience and really good sales training I have developed a program for sales success. Several sales people from other selling areas have taken this system and developed and adapted it to their specific situation and have attained really great selling success.

Let me know thoughts and/or if you want more information.

Make 2017 your best year yet?