Are you really results oriented?

Auth Unknown

Salespeople must be results oriented.

I read an article and do not remember the author’s name, but he said had a written statement on his desk “Results are the only excuse for activity.”

This statement would seem to be crystal clear, but few people are committed to a results-oriented lifestyle and I have seen salespeople over and over again who are not results-oriented. 

Many people are satisfied with their activity and best effort, they do not work toward real results.

To stay results-oriented ask yourself this question, “What am I really trying to accomplish?”

Far too many people talk about how hard they work, how many hours they spend working, how many miles they travel, and how hard the job is, and they expect appreciation and reward for this activity, regardless of the outcome.

These same people rarely talk about what the objectives of their efforts need to be. They never really talk about what results are expected.

I have witnessed salespeople do everything they can do except selling.

For sure, there is a lot of activity.

They work on lists of potential customers, go throughout the organization reviewing current customer orders, do paperwork such as daily planners, expense reports, etc., etc.

In the sales world, this is known as non-selling, non-pay time activities.

Salespeople need to understand that the only benefit of activity is to find a way for the desired result of sales and selling and getting more orders.

Activities that are important for creating sales must be completed every day.

Every day a salesperson needs to ask the question,

“What am I really trying to do today?”

The job of a salesperson is easy to describe. The number one priority of every salesperson is bringing in sales.

Strive every day to figure out how nonessential activity is being substituted for results.

Learn how to identify behaviors that need to be completed every day to produce sales.

Stop wasting time on nonessential activities.

Truly successful salespeople figure their numbers out and create daily habits to be sure that the habits are performed.

I am creating a white paper that describes the daily required habits of salespeople to perform their job.

Many companies do not have training on what a salesperson should do daily to be successful.

Thank you for reading this article. If you would like more information on what a salesperson should do daily — Let me know.

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What trait makes a good salesman; Ingenuity, Persistence, Never stopping?

Some years ago, I had possibly the best Receptionist/Gatekeeper in business; she understood and could stop nonessential salespeople from getting through. One day our Receptionist/Gatekeeper brought me a package. It had been hand-delivered.

In the package was a T-Shirt from my alma mater — — Indiana Institute of Technology, and a note from the salesman requesting an appointment and comment that he hoped I appreciated his effort to get my school T-shirt. He said he would call in a few days.

I graduated from IIT in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, the idea that this salesman had gone to the trouble to get me the shirt was unique, and I liked his style.

At that time, I instructed our receptionist/gatekeeper that I was impressed by this salesperson and would take the call. After researching his company, I was pretty sure I would not need his services.

However, I would listen to him and then, if possible, direct him to a referral.

He never called!

I thought this salesman had ingenuity, the quality of being clever, original, and inventive.

How many times have you had seemingly good salespeople not follow up? Good selling or bad selling?

12 ways to gain trust and move to the next step of the sale.

In the sales process, there are seldom “one call” sales. Most sales are made after a sales cycle of 90 days or longer. There are several factors that need to be addressed, especially when pursuing a new customer.

•        First Contact:

You need a compelling opening headline in an email to get the prospect to open it. If the email is opened, you need a compelling opening and introduction to get the prospect to read the email.  Ideally, you need the email to be short and brief.  The prospect needs to digest your information to see if he/she wants to read further.  Provide a giveaway or some useful information. 

Do not ask for a sale or purchase of your product. Allow an opportunity to get off your email list.

Do not be surprised if you get no response.

Do not ask for a sale or purchase of your product. Allow an opportunity to get off your email list.

Do not be surprised if you get no response.

•        Second contact:

You need a compelling opening headline in an email to get the prospect to open it.  If the email is opened, you need a compelling opening and introduction to get the prospect to read the email.  Ideally, you need the email to be short and brief.  The prospect needs to digest your information to see if he/she wants to read further.  Provide a give-a-way or some useful information. 

Do not ask for a sale or purchase of your product.  Allow an opportunity to get off your email list.  

Do not be surprised if you get no response.

•        Third contact:

Are you getting the picture now?  You need to repeat the process again, and again.  Always being careful to not sound salesy but provide bits of information about you, your company, and the problems you can solve.   And always provide useful information that they can use or information they can request.

•        4th through 12th contact:

Do this for up to 12 contacts. Basically, do the same thing over and over. Try and write 12 compelling headlines and short information emails. Then sequence them out. Potential customers have contacted me after the 12th contact and tell me they just then saw my email contact.

The selling game and sales process has always been a game of numbers.  Prospects today continually hide behind voice mail and most companies have given up on front door gatekeepers. How are you supposed to get to them?

Many salespeople give up after the first or second contact attempt. We used to rehearse our telemarketing skills for the phone. Now we need to be better at attention-grabbing through email and absolutely be ready for the eventual first live phone or face-to-face contact.  We need to be ready to pack information into 10 minutes or less. then proceed to the next step.

This process of 12 or more contacts seems daunting.  It works if you pick the correct prospect audience to buy your products.  There is a lot of noise in the marketplace, especially salespeople trying to get the buyer’s attention. 

Build your list and begin.

Selling is a continuum of numbers!

A continuum of numbers make the game of sales work!  Do you know your numbers?

Last year, several salespeople from different companies asked that I start an accountability group. We met Fridays, 5 to 6 people per call. Great learning for all and they are on the way to understanding and managing a continuous sales process.

Just finding salespeople that want help in learning and being accountable is refreshing.  Also, learning that companies don’t have sales training or don’t understand and teach a sales process is too bad, actually sad.

So — To have a group of salespeople requesting an accountability group is great. As I explained, this is a tough profession — but — can be very rewarding.

When I sold my company, I was criticized by the new owners for high turnover in the sales force. I explained that selling is the easiest job to look at and see if results are happening.  I provided continuing sales training. Sales training is not a onetime event it is truly a continuous process. Even today, I attend training and read new books on selling.

My challenge as facilitator, has been to teach and help these people learn, and that once you have a working set of numbers to define your particular sales process — sales potential is unlimited!

We look at numbers every week and discuss the selling process. Each person has up to 5 minutes or less to tell us about the week, lessons learned, victories and defeats.  The people not doing their numbers and making excuses are called out by the others.  Bottom line for this group is — are the numbers being completed or not. 

All realize that if Face-to-Face meetings, calls and follow-up are completed properly, sales will result.

Have a great week! 

Good Selling or Bad Selling?

Many years ago, I had one of the best Receptionist/Gatekeeper in business, she understood and could stop non-essential salespeople from getting through.  One day she brought me a package.  It had been hand delivered.

In the package was a T Shirt from my alma mater — Indiana Institute of Technology. There was a note from the salesman requesting an appointment, and comment that he hoped I appreciated his effort to get my school T shirt.  He said he would call in a few days.

I graduated from IIT in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. The idea that this salesman had gone to the trouble to get me the shirt was unique and I liked his style. 

I instructed our receptionist/gatekeeper that I was impressed by this salesperson and that when he calls I will take the call.  After a little research on his company, I was pretty sure I would not need his services.  However, I would listen to him and then if possible direct him to a referral.

He never called!

How many times have you had seemingly good salespeople just not follow through?

Good selling or bad selling?

Do you the persistence and determination to be in sales?

I found the following writeup from a speech made by Calvin Coolidge our 30th President of the United States. Take time and think about this as applied to sales:

PERSISTENCE, DETERMINATION: KEY TO SUCCESS. “Nothing in the world, can take the place of PERSISTENCE and DETERMINATION: Talent will not; nothing is more common, than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; un rewarded genius is almost a proverb.

“Nothing in the world, can take the place of PERSISTENCE and DETERMINATION:

Talent will not; nothing is more common, than unsuccessful people with talent.

Genius will not; un rewarded genius is almost a proverb.

Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. PERSISTENCE and DETERMINATION alone, are almost omnipotent. Now I’m not saying you should not get an education, but you can have an education, and be weak inside, and never experience the opportunity that education could have provided for you, because you just didn’t have the persistence and determination to make it happen.”

—–Attributed to Calvin Coolidge 30th President of the USA.

Want help in sales? Let’s talk!

Make 2020 and 2021 your best years yet!

Business with the government?

Does your company do business with the government?  I did with my last company and have just started with my current company.  There is a very large “RIVER” of bids coming out daily.  Once you figure out what you can sell to the government learn the process and get going.

Many people talk with me about how hard or how easy it is to begin selling to the government.  I have helped several companies get started.  The process is not complicated.  However, it does take consistent effort, daily oversight and certainly work.

If interested — Contact me, let’s talk.

Make 2019 your best year yet!

Good Selling / Bad Selling?

Great Books, Goal Setting, Continuous Learning, Public Speaking

Some years ago, I had possibly the best Receptionist/Gatekeeper in business, she understood and could stop none essential sales people from getting through.  One day our Receptionist/Gatekeeper brought me a package.  It had been hand delivered.

In the package was a T Shirt from my alma mater — Indiana Institute of Technology, and a note from the salesman requesting an appointment, and comment that he hoped I appreciated his effort to get my school T shirt.  He said he would call in a few days.

I graduated from IIT in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, the idea that this salesman had gone to the trouble to get me the shirt was unique and I liked his style. 

At that time I instructed our receptionist/gatekeeper that I was impressed by this salesperson and that when he calls I will take the call.  After a little research on his company, I was pretty sure I would not need his services.  However, I would listen to him and then if possible direct him to a referral.

He never called!

How many times have you had seemingly good salespeople just not follow through?

Good selling or bad selling?

Make 2019 your best year yet!

Tough times! — Remember, “I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.” -Lucille Ball

Here are some good pointers to remember — Especially when Tough Times happen:

1. Everything can – and will – change.

2. You’ve overcome challenges before.

3. It’s a learning experience.

4. Not getting what you want can be a blessing.

5. Allow yourself to have some fun.

6. Being kind to yourself is the best medicine.

7. Other people’s negativity isn’t worth worrying about.

8. And there is always, always, always, something to be grateful for.

Get readyfor 2019!  Christmas and New Year are coming — I’m grateful!

Make 2019 your best year yet!

Read one of the classic books on wealth – Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill — A really great book!

I keep pulling this book out for review and reminders of continuously moving forward,

I like this quote from the book — “The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.” From the bestseller book Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.

This book gets you on a journey for getting and staying on track for life’s desires.

Start planning for 2019! Make 2019 your best year yet!