Goals — Are yours written? Are you working them daily?


After much reading, discussing and watching I am convinced that over 95% of people going into a new year don’t have written measurable goals for the year.  Many or probably most have heard this and know the importance of goal setting goals, still not written down.

If you are a sales person and say “Wow! I need more sales to make my year!” — You may be out of luck. If your sales cycle takes longer than 10 weeks from start to close to shipment, you are running out of time.

Now is the time to begin looking toward the New Year 2019. Begin by setting an appointment with yourself for 30 – 60 minutes. Get blank paper or a blank computer screen and begin writing your thoughts and ideas for accomplishment next year. This first cut at goal setting doesn’t have to be neat — just take time to think about and write your ideas and thoughts down. My beginning session is usually quite messy and unorganized.

Put this information away in a place you absolutely won’t forget where it is so that you can retrieve it, early December.  Then set an appointment with yourself for 30 – 60 minutes early December and get your list out.

In December you will be amazed at the progress you will have already made toward thinking about and planning your goals for next year. Your fist list may be messy, but you will be ready to define and refine the list. You will be subtracting, adding and modifying the original set of goals. Make the list a little neater and resolve to begin your goals and measure your goals.

Why do I believe in doing this? It’s because I use this method every year and then I set a tracking system and measure progress. This works!

Try for yourself and get into the 5% group of people who actually write and strive to achieve their goals. Remember a lot of “Luck” goes along with a lot of preparation.  

While continuing to build my own goal system I have found and in process of reviewing a software program that looks very promising — Click and have a look 

I’ll comment further as I look at this software — Let me know your thoughts.

Make 2019 your best year yet!

AS9100d / Lean Manufacturing / Efficiency / Bottom Line!

AS9100d / Lean Manufacturing / Efficiency / Bottom Line!

I was introduced to one of the latest quality systems of the time in 1997. The Boeing quality system. We passed in December 1997 and never looked back.

I have always embraced the latest quality system available for the company.

Last month our company passed and moved from AS9100c to AS9100d quality system.

10 years ago I was introduced to “Lean Manufacturing” and after a bit of non-belief from employees, I made “Lean Manufacturing” a permanent part of my organization. Now in a new company I plan to again go completely into “Lean Manufacturing”. It can be done in a job shop. It definitely worked in my last company.

Couple the efficiency gains of “Lean Manufacturing” with the really good principles of the quality system AS9100d and really good things happen to the organization and the bottom line.

You can end up doing a whole lot more with a whole lot less. Our previous company went from $4 million in yearly sales with 90 employees to producing $15 million in yearly sales with 91 employees.

This stuff works — But — only if top management believes and works through the processes of quality and “Lean Manufacturing”.

Sounds almost too good to be true. I lived it. It works. Let me know your thoughts, and/or, contact me with questions.

Remember it is time to get ready for 2018. Get ready to make 2018 your best year yet!


A good week!

I have been learning the profession of selling for many years.  I have read and studied many books and articles, and attended quite a few courses and seminars on selling.  For many years, I had a company on retainer to provide continuous sales training for my sales staff.  I have continued using a sales “Cook Book” — a behavioral measurement system for staying in the selling game and meeting goals.

Last week was a good week, making sales goals for the company and continuing with behaviors to get future results.  

Earlier this month I was asked to form a weekly Accountability Group for several sales people.  We have had three sessions and already each of us, including myself, see better sales results.  Our objective is to make sure we are all following the behaviors needed for making sales goals weekly, monthly and for the year.  By leading the group I find myself becoming better focused on making my goals happen. I’ll describe more about our group and results in the future.

Are you measuring your daily behaviors to get desired results?  

If you have thoughts on this — Let me know.  If you would like a sample of our measurement planning “Cook Book” — Let me know.

Make 2017 your best year yet!