Is your sales team on track?

How was performance for the first half of the year? 

Now that we are in 2nd half what does the remainder of the year look like?

Is your sales team on track?

Are your sales people resting on their laurels?  Are they selling more products to current customers rather than going out to do the harder work of landing new customers?

Your sales force may not need an overhaul, but if the idea of having a well-developed sales pipeline seems like a pipe dream, it’s time to fix the situation.

All too often companies think that the key is to just hire more sales people.

 Focus on how customers prefer to buy.  Knowing customer preference can ultimately help you see how many salespeople you need and how best to use them.

I developed a point system with minimum monthly requirements of face-to-face visits, meaningful telephone conversations and other customer contacts (ie: Email, Mail, Corporate social media contact, Etc.)

The point system eventually lead to allowing us to understand that within our industry we could develop a sales person to be at $3million run rate in 24 – 36 months.

We could then predict sales and company growth.

Do you have a tracking system to determine if sales are on track?

Do you have a process and training to keep your sales group on Track?

Want more information?  Contact me —

Momentum! Still there for reaching your GOALS?

I have a goal that I really want to accomplish.  I can’t do it in a day or month or probably a year.  It may take 2 to 3 years.  I found myself not working this goal with the same momentum as goals more achievable on shorter terms.  That is probably the human nature side of accomplishment. 

Well — I reaffirmed my three year goal as being very important to me when accomplished.  I have reaffirmed and dedicated daily time 15 – 30 minutes to stay on task. I haven’t missed a day this year.  

 My reaffirmation of this goal was easy.  The hard part was not having a very easy to use measurement tool to follow progress.  As much as I hate to admit this, I have a really good tracking system for my goals and accomplishments in life but not a really good tracking system for something new.  I was half heartedly tracking progress but nothing really jumped out to me saying — Hey, you are not on track here.  Now I have a spread sheet that shows Green when on track and Red when off track.

Do you have a measurement system for your important Goals?

I found some old calendars from years ago.  When I wanted to start and follow a goal (Weight, Exercise, Playing the Banjo, Etc.).  I kept the Calendar in a drawer in the bathroom.  I opened that drawer everyday (My hair dryer was in it), and I plotted my daily goal progress. 

Looking back on those calendars I see that I accomplished many life goals.  Do you have a tracking method daily to follow your progress?

Make 2019 your best year yet!

Goals – 3 tips to keep your goals moving for 2019!

I read that some people already have stopped working on their Goals for year 2019.  Hopefully you have made it easy to see your goals and review them for progress.

Here are 3 tips to keep your goals moving for 2019:

  1. Make sure you have goals written down and easy to find.
  2. Look at your goals daily.  Make time to work on your goals daily, even if you spend a few minutes.
  3. If a goal seems to hard, revise it.  Look at smaller parts of each goal to work on, don’t give up.

 Make 2019 your best year yet!

Year end 2018? Yes! – However, New Year beginning 2019!

Year end 2018? Yes! – However, New Year beginning 2019!

Yeah!  Another new year!

I have made and spent time making my goals for 2019.  I am planning some really neat GOALS!

Remember, goals will require some, maybe a lot of mundane work and daily must do projects – most are easy to do and as Jim Rohn says “Most are easy not to do”.

Get going and don’t look back!

Make 2019 your best year yet!

Keep Moving — A Book Title.

I read areally good book KEEP MOVINGwritten by Dick Van Dyke. He wrote this book at age 89 and is still moving very well, from what I see and hear.

The book provides tips and truths about aging. In the book he reveals a lot of truth about aging and the need to keep moving in physical and mental activity as we go through life.

I keep the book on my desk for review from time to time. I like the writeup on the book cover jacket – “Dick’s optimistic outlook is an invigorating tonic for anyone who needs a reminder that life should be lived with enthusiasm, despite what the Calendar says.”

I believe an obvious conclusion is to get motivated and keep physical activity as a very important part of our life. He does. He exercises daily and reports that he dances often.

One item stuck with me when he discussed the importance of writing daily. Keep a notebook and lay out the next day’s activities. Then once written down he can forget it, disengage and begin to dream. What a great philosophy!

Seems like the same for all of us at any age especially those of us in sales and selling. Get the next day, week, month and year written down with activity for success. Then go about dreaming and figuring out how to make this life we have even better.

Get yourself ready for 2019. Plan it. Make yourself accountable for the entire year.

Read KEEP MOVING ! I’ve linked ithere to easily find.

Make 2019 your best year yet!

Continuous Learning!

As you plan your year end and begin planning for next year, don’t forget to plan for continuous learning.

What is continuous learning here are 7 tips (Not totally inclusive by any means, but a good thought starter):

Reading — Read for business growth and pleasure.

Learn a musical instrument — If you have the desire, get going even if a small start.

Journal daily — Leave a legacy of your thoughts and ideas for your family.

Your current Job — Learn one thing every month for making it better, faster or easier.

SCR — Take time to Slow down, calm and relax.

Accountability — Make your self a daily accountability program to keep continuous learning moving forward.

Remember as Jim Rohn pointed out, eating an apple a day is easy to do, easy to measure and easy to accomplish, but it’s also easy not to do. Get your continuous learning going and try to make it as easy as possible to do daily.

Signup for a daily Sales Tracking system — It will be sent monthly beginning 2 to 3 weeks before the next month. First one for January will be sent early to mid December. Signup.

2019 Sales behaviors — A Cookbook!

For years, I have been writing about the power of measurement for a sales person. Daily behaviors completed daily will produce results — For “SALES” and can be used for other measured items.

Good sales training is needed, to learn the skills of selling. However, a good mechanical “Nuts and Bolts” tracking system is needed to get-on and stay-on track.

My monthly sales tracker that provides for sales goals for the month and a tracker is available. I will send a copy to any sales person wanting to see and try it out. First Month January 2019 will be available and sent early December.

Go to the signup page and subscribe.

The excel spreadsheet will be provided free and will be available each month after for the year 2019. My request is that you look at it and decide if it is something that fits your sales life style. If not just send me an email.

Signup here!