I have a goal that I really want to accomplish. I can’t do it in a day or month or probably a year. It may take 2 to 3 years. I found myself not working this goal with the same momentum as goals more achievable on shorter terms. That is probably the human nature side of accomplishment.
Well — I reaffirmed my three year goal as being very important to me when accomplished. I have reaffirmed and dedicated daily time 15 – 30 minutes to stay on task. I haven’t missed a day this year.
My reaffirmation of this goal was easy. The hard part was not having a very easy to use measurement tool to follow progress. As much as I hate to admit this, I have a really good tracking system for my goals and accomplishments in life but not a really good tracking system for something new. I was half heartedly tracking progress but nothing really jumped out to me saying — Hey, you are not on track here. Now I have a spread sheet that shows Green when on track and Red when off track.
Do you have a measurement system for your important Goals?
I found some old calendars from years ago. When I wanted to start and follow a goal (Weight, Exercise, Playing the Banjo, Etc.). I kept the Calendar in a drawer in the bathroom. I opened that drawer everyday (My hair dryer was in it), and I plotted my daily goal progress.
Looking back on those calendars I see that I accomplished many life goals. Do you have a tracking method daily to follow your progress?
Make 2019 your best year yet!