If you spend 8 hours working, you sleep 8 hours, work 8 hours and bathe, eat, and drive 3 hours — what do you do with the other 5 hours.
Ready Eat Travel?
Bathe, eat, travel / commute — I call this time RETy (Ready, Eat, Travel time). Most of us can quantify the travel time fairly closely. I typically spend 45 minutes in the car going to work and coming home. For 2019 I want to maximize this time, as learning time. If I go to work 5 days per week 50 weeks a year I have 1-1/2 hours / day x 5 days x 50 weeks = 375 hours that can be used for listening and learning.
Remaining daily 5 hours?
So, if you come close to this daily living model. What do you do with the other 5 hours.
Some people spend the time unwinding some people spend the time working toward life goals. Some do both. 5 hours / day x 5 days x 50 weeks = 1,250 hours that can be used for leisure and life goals.
Think about it, that’s on week days, not even counting weekends.
How do you spend time? Track it and see what you do with your time. Then look at weekends — It adds up!
Make 2019 your best year yet!