Do you stay in touch?
Are you committed to daily contact with Family, Friends and Clients?
We are we have a rule of 6 — 6 contacts per day.
Let us know what your plan is.
Do you stay in touch?
Are you committed to daily contact with Family, Friends and Clients?
We are we have a rule of 6 — 6 contacts per day.
Let us know what your plan is.
Our site is dedicated to helping people set goals and succeed!
Register and/or send us a note concerning what you would like to see.
We can help and coach.
Do you have 25% accomplished, of the things you wanted to for the year 2014?
We have 9 months to go — Set an appointment with yourself for 15 minutes per week to look at your goals and wants — Think about them and make even small steps toward accomplishment.
You will see progress!
Have you made your goals for the year? I have, I set three top priority goals. I am going to complete them! _____________________________________________ Do you stay in touch with friends and relatives on a regular basis? Would you like an excel template for tracking your daily contacts. Let us know and we will send it — free to you .
Hope you have had a great year!
Have your beginning 2013 Goals been completed?
Will you be spending time setting goals for 2014? We will!
Let us know how you will set goals, and more importantly, how will you measure goals. What does success look like?
Want help setting and measuring goals — Let us hear from you.
I am reviewing my goals now for the remainder of the year. Are you?
Have you forgotten and stopped working on goals — It's easy to not do Goals or ignore them.
Let us know if you are progressing forward — even if you ar not at the exact point you would like to be. Forward motion is the key.
Do you keep up with your contacts in your life? Friends, relatives, co-workers, Etc. I do daily, I have the rule of 3 (Contact 3 people in my life daily). Stay in touch — It is important. Do you? Want a system to keep you on track for daily contacts?
Let us know.
Wow! The year is accelerating!
Have you been keeping a journal of Measurable Accomplishments?
Are you looking at your top 3 goals for this year?
Or — are you ignoring your goals because you are not working on them?
How are you doing? Let us know.
How you doing on your Goals?
I am really making an effort to look at my goals daily. 10 goals looked great at the first of the year! I have decided to concentrate on 3.
Some of my goals were not measurable. How can a year be completed with “SATISFACTION” of completing goals that couldn't be measured.
I now keep a daily success journal of measurable accomplishments!
How are you doing? Please let us know!
Have you made progress toward your goals this year?
(I have made forward motion but not kept up with all my goals.)
How are you doing? Please let us know!
This could be your year of change. You made resolutions to change.
Are you doing the “CHANGE”?