Proven – Sales/Selling system!

I like the phrase “IF I can do it, anyone can do it.”

Many of us learn there are many things in life that are proven. It's proven that many of us can learn to ride a bike. It's proven that many of us can learn to speak in-front of others. It's proven that most of us learn to talk. It's proven …(for many, many things we can think of!). We all know that most proven things in life are taken for granted.

Why is it so hard for sales and non-sales people to believe there are proven sales systems that work.

Many people sales and non-sales people, think, act and talk about the mystique of selling. This often misconstrued belief of sales and selling leads to belief that sales is magic, a given to a few gifted people. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I've talked and written many times about the two proven items of sales and selling.

  1. Good sales training and continued coaching can produce quality sales people.
  2. A selling system or cookbook, followed daily can and will produce results.

Get the books, get the training, build a cookbook and see tremendous results.

Make 2018 your best year yet.

Want more information on cookbooks for selling let me know. Want more information on great sales training and system look up Sandler Selling.



A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor. Sometimes we have face-to-face mentors and mentoring. Sometimes we have indirect mentoring through reading books, watching videos, on-line, and possibly in passing with family and friends.

Not knowing it at the time, my dad was my first mentor in sales training. This is one of those things I realized later in life that the mentoring I received was tremendous. My sales career, once started, was greatly influenced by his methods and persistence in sales.

I read all kinds of books. Some novels for enjoyment. Self help books and many books related to sales, selling, running and operating a business.

However, I knew that there was a lot more to learn about sales and business operations. I studied and read many mentors. Zig Ziglar, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Jim Rohn, Earl Nightingale. Dr. Robert Schuller to name a just few. There are countless others in my library. I have had privilege to meet some of these people and have enjoyed reading and learning about their thoughts and ideas on life and business.

Do you have a mentoring program on-going for daily learning. There is so much material available today, it can be mind-boggling.

Start or really get going on a self-education program of your personal interests. I have created daily routines, daily rituals that ensure pathways for me to progress forward. I set goals and measure daily. You can too.  Find a mentor and never stop learning.

Let me know your thoughts.

Make 2018 your best year yet!