Goal Setting – As reported in “Think & Grow Rich”!

Take a thorough self-inventory!
It is a proven fact that there is great value in solving problems or developing desirable habits by asking yourself the right questions. “Know thyself” and you have taken an important step to happiness and success.

Engage in thinking, study and planning time to set and achieve desirable goals. Learn how to recognize, relate to, assimilate and apply universal principles that, once applied, will help you achieve any objective you desire.

First quarter of 2015 is complete, in less than 2 weeks!

Help us understand your first 25% of this year 2015. Pick one of your goals for this year and tell us how you are doing — Ahead or Behind!

(As an example — I have several goals, one of which is to read 10 pages per day for all 365 days this year a total of 3,650 pages which would be approximately 12 books if each book averages 300 pages. That means I need read over 900 pages to make the first quarter goal — as of now I have read 1,049 pages — I am ahead of my goal!)

Want help on envisioning and setting goals read:

Goals, The 10 Rules for Achieving Success by Gary Ryan Blair