Sales, Selling — Follow-up?

Ask a sales person –

“When is the best time to follow-up with XYZ customer?”

“When is the best time to follow-up on a recent quote?

“When is the best time to follow-up on “Blah, Blah, Blah?”


All too often we hear, It’s too early, or I am not sure now is the right time, or I don’t want to bug the Buyer/Customer/Etc.


Have you ever taken the time to think about “Follow-Up” in selling?

Some sales people follow-up too often and disturb/disrupt the potential customer.  It is estimated that you need 7 contacts with potential clients/customers before a transaction happens.

I am self-taught in selling and when I found a really good system I latched on to it.  I have been using the Sandler Selling system for over ten years. (I would be happy to provide my contacts to anyone interested.)

A great technique that I learned and use is the Sandler Technique of using an Up-Front Contract with potential customers.


Simply ask the prospect/Client for the next time contact would be appropriate.  Set an exact date and time if possible or get at least a time frame for contact — Then do what was agreed upon!

Too many times I have had sales people working for me or trying to sell to me stop — after the very first call.


Never get caught in this trap —

It’s too soon to call — Now it’s too late the order was let to someone else.

Good Selling / Bad Selling!

Some years ago, I had possibly the best Receptionist/Gatekeeper in business, she understood and could stop none essential sales people from getting through. One day our Receptionist/Gatekeeper brought me a package. It had been hand delivered.
In the package was a T Shirt from my alma mater — Indiana Institute of Technology, and a note from the salesman requesting an appointment, and comment that he hoped I appreciated his effort to get my school T shirt. He said he would call in a few days.
I graduated from IIT in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, the idea that this salesman had gone to the trouble to get me the shirt was unique and I liked his style.
At that time I instructed our receptionist/gatekeeper that I was impressed by this salesperson and that when he calls I will take the call. After a little research on his company, I was pretty sure I would not need his services. However, I would listen to him and then if possible direct him to a referral.
He never called!

How many times have you had seemingly good salespeople just not follow through?

Good selling or bad selling?

Goal Setting – As reported in “Think & Grow Rich”!

Take a thorough self-inventory!
It is a proven fact that there is great value in solving problems or developing desirable habits by asking yourself the right questions. “Know thyself” and you have taken an important step to happiness and success.

Engage in thinking, study and planning time to set and achieve desirable goals. Learn how to recognize, relate to, assimilate and apply universal principles that, once applied, will help you achieve any objective you desire.

Finish before you start!

I have read and listened to a lot of material of Mr. Jim Rohn – deceased. Jim Rohn was an American Entrepreneur, Author and Motivational Speaker. He devoted a lot of time and thinking on “Living an exceptional LIFE!”

I particularly liked his thoughts on organizing and planning, whether it was for business or life.
He liked talking about planning the end before you begin. His analogy was simple – you wouldn’t build a house or sky scraper building without a good set of plans before starting the build. Finish before you start.

How many sales people have you seen that don’t plan?
You must plan for:
• The day
• The Week
• The Month
• The year
I have for myself a sales “Year Plan”. Do you?