Many years ago, I had one of the best Receptionist/Gatekeeper in business, she understood and could stop non-essential salespeople from getting through. One day she brought me a package. It had been hand delivered.
In the package was a T Shirt from my alma mater — Indiana Institute of Technology. There was a note from the salesman requesting an appointment, and comment that he hoped I appreciated his effort to get my school T shirt. He said he would call in a few days.
I graduated from IIT in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. The idea that this salesman had gone to the trouble to get me the shirt was unique and I liked his style.
I instructed our receptionist/gatekeeper that I was impressed by this salesperson and that when he calls I will take the call. After a little research on his company, I was pretty sure I would not need his services. However, I would listen to him and then if possible direct him to a referral.
He never called!
How many times have you had seemingly good salespeople just not follow through?
Good selling or bad selling?