Keep Moving — A Book Title.

I read areally good book KEEP MOVINGwritten by Dick Van Dyke. He wrote this book at age 89 and is still moving very well, from what I see and hear.

The book provides tips and truths about aging. In the book he reveals a lot of truth about aging and the need to keep moving in physical and mental activity as we go through life.

I keep the book on my desk for review from time to time. I like the writeup on the book cover jacket – “Dick's optimistic outlook is an invigorating tonic for anyone who needs a reminder that life should be lived with enthusiasm, despite what the Calendar says.”

I believe an obvious conclusion is to get motivated and keep physical activity as a very important part of our life. He does. He exercises daily and reports that he dances often.

One item stuck with me when he discussed the importance of writing daily. Keep a notebook and lay out the next day's activities. Then once written down he can forget it, disengage and begin to dream. What a great philosophy!

Seems like the same for all of us at any age especially those of us in sales and selling. Get the next day, week, month and year written down with activity for success. Then go about dreaming and figuring out how to make this life we have even better.

Get yourself ready for 2019. Plan it. Make yourself accountable for the entire year.

Read KEEP MOVING ! I've linked ithere to easily find.

Make 2019 your best year yet!

Goals 2017 — Personal Lifestyle, Business Selling Goals!

Here we are going into week 4 of the New Year 2017!

First week I was astonished and interested to see the parking lots full at every exercise / workout facility I passed. Now already the parking lots are beginning to not fill. I really hope that the people starting new exercise programs are falling into different time periods and/or finding a cadence that will work and keep them on track.

How many of us have goals, written down and are executing?

I have talked with people starting strong. I have talked with people already running hard toward their written goals. I have talked with people already slowing down on goals. Sadly, I have talked with people making excuses and stopping. Saddest of all, I have talked with people who never even started goals for this year. Soon we will be completing month 1, that's 1/12th of the time alloted for the year.

I believe no matter where you are in the process, now is the time to start, run hard and never stop!


Excuses are abundant. Success will not listen to excuses — Success will ignore them and end-of-year will come again. What will you accomplish?

If you have started keep going — Never Stop!

It's not too late to begin now — Just start and never Stop!

Make this year 2017 your best year yet!