Sales Tracking – Daily, Monthly, Yearly

Sales is one of the easiest jobs to measure and hold people accountable. 

One problem I hear and see, is that companies don't measure sales peoples behaviors. I don't understand this. They treat sales as some “magical” process that will happen because they gave someone the title of sales person.

Recently, I met a sales person requesting help in tracking his sales performance and work. He wanted to do certain things, prospecting calls per day, face-to-face meetings per week, dollars quoted, and accountability for sales booked. He wanted help in understanding how to build a sales process.

Next month I am starting a sales accountability and tracking program, a great lead-in for starting a new year. If you would like to join and get free Monthly sales trackers opt in to Free Sales Tracker.

If you really want to excel in sales and don't have an accountability group within you company, find some like-minded people and meet weekly to see how your behaviors are working or not.

Last week I talked about goal setting and a program I am looking at – go to Goal Setting.

Make 2018 your best year yet!

Goals — Are yours written? Are you working them daily?


After much reading, discussing and watching I am convinced that over 95% of people going into a new year don't have written measurable goals for the year.  Many or probably most have heard this and know the importance of goal setting goals, still not written down.

If you are a sales person and say “Wow! I need more sales to make my year!” — You may be out of luck. If your sales cycle takes longer than 10 weeks from start to close to shipment, you are running out of time.

Now is the time to begin looking toward the New Year 2019. Begin by setting an appointment with yourself for 30 – 60 minutes. Get blank paper or a blank computer screen and begin writing your thoughts and ideas for accomplishment next year. This first cut at goal setting doesn't have to be neat — just take time to think about and write your ideas and thoughts down. My beginning session is usually quite messy and unorganized.

Put this information away in a place you absolutely won't forget where it is so that you can retrieve it, early December.  Then set an appointment with yourself for 30 – 60 minutes early December and get your list out.

In December you will be amazed at the progress you will have already made toward thinking about and planning your goals for next year. Your fist list may be messy, but you will be ready to define and refine the list. You will be subtracting, adding and modifying the original set of goals. Make the list a little neater and resolve to begin your goals and measure your goals.

Why do I believe in doing this? It's because I use this method every year and then I set a tracking system and measure progress. This works!

Try for yourself and get into the 5% group of people who actually write and strive to achieve their goals. Remember a lot of “Luck” goes along with a lot of preparation.  

While continuing to build my own goal system I have found and in process of reviewing a software program that looks very promising — Click and have a look 

I'll comment further as I look at this software — Let me know your thoughts.

Make 2019 your best year yet!

Communicating — Can you?

Do you have the skills to communicate? Can you stand in front of a group and speak confidently?

Communication skills can be one of the most important skills needed for Corporate and/or personal success.

I have wanted to communicate better for many years. I got lucky in 2005 when I joined my first Toastmasters club. I had a desire to give a good or reasonable “Father of the Bride” speech — My daughter was getting married.

I had a specific goal and outcome for joining the Toastmasters Organization. Little did I realize the impact it would have on my overall confidence in public speaking.

I have now been affiliated and participating in Toastmasters for over 12 years.

If you desire to communicate better find a club near you.


Or – Maybe you want to get some of the basics under your belt in a more personal setting — If you want a home study program go to Speaking.

Click below and review a good home srudy program!

Make 2018 your best year yet!



Make an appointment and get ready for 2018!

Make an appointment and get ready for 2018!

I think about doing things and “sometimes” don't get around to doing them. Actually, I have had to-do items on my list for years that I want to-do but never seem to complete, or get to.

Over the past years I finally found a way to get to those things that I feel are important. Make an appointment with myself. Write down a date and time and be ready to do nothing for that time period except work on the project or goal.

With the Holidays coming I am looking at and writing down time to think and work on “What 2018 will look like!”. I am making an appointment, actually several appointments with myself to dedicate time on working and setting my 2018 goals. I try to set these times at about 1-1/2 hours maximum.

Set your time and don't miss it.

Try to think about and write down all things pertinent to having a successful 2018 year. YES, the first session will be messy. You will have random thoughts and non-organized thoughts.

BUT — you will have them written down. That’s way more than half the battle. You will be light-years ahead of others.

Then set your second session to go over and really think about the important items and organize these thoughts and have them ready to review as the year begins and moves forward.

Let me know your thoughts and how this works for you.

Good Luck!      Make 2018 your best year yet!

Sales goals 2018! Are you being held accountable? Do you want to be held accountable?

Sales goals 2018! Are you being held accountable? Do you want to be held accountable?

Soon the next year 2018 goals will be set for sales!

As a salesperson are you ready to go get them? If you are setting high aspirations and goals for next year's sales, are you being held accountable? Can you hold yourself accountable? Can you see the year through and complete your sales goals?

Unfortunately there are many sales people with very loose structure. The boss says go forth and bring home business, with no discussion of how much or what type. There is no discussion as to how the business is going to be brought in.

I do have an accountability group of various sales people wanting to figure out how to have accountability for their actions and report on how well, or not well they are doing.

Finding these type sales people is difficult. Most don't want to report and have accountability. We have had our group for several months this year. A small group and already have seen drop off because recording behaviors and adhering to them is difficult.

The core group that we have believes in recording, reporting and discussing weekly sales efforts. AND, they are ready to talk about what went wrong, what went right, how much success they had and what they want to do to get better next week.

Not for faint of heart or excuse makers — we do now have 3 openings.

Are you ready to watch sales go to another level? Let me know.

I hope 2017 is ending as a great year. Get ready to make 2018 even better!




2017 – Will sales goals be met?

Is your sales team on track?
Are your sales people working or resting on their laurels? Are they selling more products to current customers rather than going out to do the harder work of landing new customers?
Your sales force may not need an overhaul, but if the idea of having a well-developed sales pipeline seems like a pipe dream, it’s time to fix the process.
All too often companies think that the key is to just hire more sales people.
Focus on how customers prefer to buy. Knowing customer preference can ultimately help you see how many salespeople you need and how best to use them.
I developed a point system with minimum monthly requirements of face-to-face visits, meaningful telephone conversations and other customer contacts (ie – Email, Mail, Corporate social media contact, Etc.)
The point system eventually allowed us to understand that within our industry, we could develop a sales person to be at a $3 million yearly sales run rate within 18 – 24 months.
We could then predict sales and company growth.
Do you have a tracking system to determine if sales are on track?
Do you have a process and training to keep your sales group on Track?

5 tips to keep your “GOALS” moving for 2017!

Some people already have stopped working on their Goals for year 2017.
Hopefully you have made it easy to see your goals and review them for progress frequently.

Here are 5 tips to keep your goals moving for 2017:

1. Make sure you have goals written down and easy to find.
2. Look at your goals daily.
3. Make time to work on your goals daily, even if you spend a few minutes.
4. If a goal seems too hard, revise it. Look at smaller parts of each goal to work on.
5. Never give up — Make 2017 your best year yet!

2017 is here! Goals set? Are you measuring your goals?

I have started working on 2017 goals and measuring them.
Day 1 we should all be aware and moving forward —- 2016 is gone!

Here are 5 tips to keep your goals moving for 2017:
1. Make sure you have goals written down and easy to find.
2. Look at your goals daily.
3. Make time to work on your goals daily, even if you spend a few minutes.
4. If a goal seems too hard, revise it. Or, look at smaller parts to work on.
5. Never give up — Make 2017 your best year yet!